Living with ADHD, or suspect you are?
Feeling overwhelmed by high school, post secondary education, work, life?
Suspicious that you are not living up to your potential?
Let’s connect about how coaching can help!
If you are…
A secondary or post-secondary student, or a young adult in or transitioning to the workplace.
16 years or older.
Interested in exploring new possibilities.
Committed to investing time and energy to achieve your goals and make lasting change.
Shine Coaching will…
Provide a safe, judgment-free space for you to explore what you want and how you want to get there.
Help you find the strategies and skills that work best for you to achieve your goals.
Work with you to identify the unique challenges and gifts that ADHD brings to your life.
Ask questions to push your thinking about the values and beliefs that drive you.
Help you build the structures and accountability you need to move forward.
Partner with you to build awareness and explore different perspectives.
All packages include the co-development of a Personal Coaching Agreement, along with individualized resources, materials and check-ins to support your success.
Weekly, biweekly, or customized to fit your schedule.
Sessions are virtual and conducted via Zoom.
1-2 Month Package
4 X 45 minute sessions
*Prices do not include applicable taxes. Payment due in advance of coaching sessions.
2-4 Month Package
8 X 45 minute sessions
4-8 Month Package
16 X 45 minute sessions